Emotions from Romantic Notions

Personal Interaction……Joining the Gold Rush

Too often, we let the outcome of personal interactions be defined by the disappointments and disagreements that arise from such events.  The unfortunate truth is that the focus on these aspects contribute nada to our frame of mind, peace of mind or development of mind as we move forward.  Such an approach only serves to turn our ray of happiness destined for contentment into a terminated line segment.  In reality, the disappointments form such a minor and insignificant part of the overall interaction.  Mental and emotional concentration on these disappoints belies the true dilution effect that their small concentration has on the overall solution that was the discussion, revelation and insight.  Run the entire interaction through a filter – a mental and emotional centrifuge, distillery or simple gold pan.  Separating these unworthy aspects of the encounter out as mere by-product reveals that you are left with a more pure substrate, a higher quality and palatable drink of life and more golden nuggets than you could ever have imagined.


Image:  https://goo.gl/images/1xYHrM

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