Emotions from Romantic Notions Scotch - Warming the Heart and Liberating the Soul

Scotch Kiss…….Liquid Passion

Scotch – you flow past my lips like a triumphant army returning home

You are powerful, full of life, seasoned from the experiences you have had

You are vibrant with spices, released uninhibited upon the World

You are the dawn and the dusk and the happy moments made in between

You are depth of meaning, secretive thoughts, unbridled joy

You are the long hug goodbye and the warm embrace hello

You are the earthy essence that makes the soul soar

You are the stars of the Gods and the most passionate aspirations of every man’s dreams

An ocean of you could be consumed and still leave the spirit wanting more

And yet……

In a particular moment, a mere drop is enough

A drop so intense, it shames that same ocean away into a distant horizon

A moment when the universe lays itself bare before me

That moment when I lift the faintest taste of you from the lips of a lovely lass

With my own……..


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