Emotions from Romantic Notions

Organic Chemistry……Bonds that Bind

Have you ever found yourself in a conversation with someone where there were at least three end points to the conversation, yet it somehow continued on and you were pleased that it did so – when a seemingly stray comment on parting prompts an entire new line of conversation and sharing.  An engagement so easy and comfortable, that the slightest topic generates a desire to share in insight and experience.  A willingness on both sides to remain, just a little longer, to fully appreciate the insight of each.  If you come across such a situation – value those conversations, and more so, value those people!  In some ways, the way in which people interact with each other is like an assessment of the periodic table.  Some people are like inert element – they can pass among other atoms and have no interaction whatsoever.  They can collide and appear to come together for a period of time, but no real bond is formed and eventually they part.  Other people are like the slight reactive elements – looking for just enough of a bond to complete themselves but not concerned with the completion of the other person.  Stable bonds may be formed, but in doing so, they can be dominated by the slightly reactive element over the other – especially when formed with highly reactive elements.  Then there are those unique personalities that are these same highly reactive elements – willing to give up any proton or electron needed to form a bond, while maintaining their core neutrons at their center.  When two of these highly reactive personalities come in contact, the interchange can be significant and the bond lasting.  In most cases, the reaction that results is a strong, stable bond…..sometimes there may even be sparks.  The next time you find a conversation with someone continuing on a stray comment once you thought it was over, it may not be a case of afterthought…..in may be just electrons colliding looking to share a space in a bond.


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