As I continue to grow older in this life, I always thought that the more important aspects of life would be revealed to me. With age, a certain amount of insight and wisdom is supposed to be imparted on you – right? I have come to the realization that this is a fable propagated by those who came before in order to mask their own shortcomings in receiving such insights. Granted, I do feel I have been successful in collecting bits of information about the world along my journey so far. However, in so much as I have gained knowledge, I still have no answers. I have feed, sometimes not of my own volition but forcibly so from life, from the trough of experience over many years, and yet, my appetite for many of the truths I seek remains. The one answer I have come to understand, with great clarity, is that no one, as self-proclaimed and arrogantly confident they might appear, has the answers to my questions. My truth is my own – it cannot be applied to anyone else or revealed by someone else’s ideal of the right path to it. It is as uniquely mine as a fingerprint from my hand. It may have been unknowingly at times, but no one else has traveled in my truth as I have and they can never be closer to my ultimate truth than myself. As a result, and rightly so, no one else should be critical or doubtful about my methods in my travels. No one else can live my truth or find my truth – do not ever let anyone deter you from the path you choose to find your truth. At the end, each of us must stand on the foundation of our individual truth – no one can stand for us. If we allow others to influence the way we build that foundation, we do so at our own peril – for surely it will crumble.