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August 2018

Stray Threads

Wealth……Contemplation on the Unit of Measure

In my self-professesd cynical view, it is my opinion that no matter your particular individual economic view of the world (get as much for yourself as you can, share as much as you have equally, make sure everyone contributes what they should, etc.), each of us measure are success in life by our self-perceived level of wealth.  In the obtainment of this level of wealth, it seems to me that we form into two camps – those that believe their wealth is determined by how much they possess and those that place the value on how much they have consumed.  My easiest and quickest valuation of these two positions is that those that consume are wealthier than those whom merely possess.  Obviously, the possession of “things’ reflects the result of having obtained wealth – how else could you acquire such things to possess in the first place.  However, to me, the possession of something is only the initial step on the road to true wealth.  Granted, there are those people that incur great enjoyment and pleasure from demonstrating to others that you have the ability to obtain and possess those things that others (but particularly, they themselves) place “value” on.  I understand the pride associated with the parading or casually revealing this exhibition of wealth to those around you.  To me, though, the mere existence of these symbols of success and wealth mean so much less unless there is enjoyment found in the use and consumption of them also.  To possess something without consuming it for the purpose it was created to begin with is to deny the full value of the item.  There are those that will correctly state that possessing something over time will make it more valuable – it is in the investment and possibility of increased wealth that the item has value.  To me, the fact that others may be willing to pay more for what you possess only means that it is more valuable to them.  You have already made your investment – the value you put on it has already been determined.  If you solely value the item for what it may bring you in the future, then it is not the item you value, but rather, the future valuation of the item.  In essence, it is the mere transitory transaction you value and not the item itself.  To truly value the item, one must desire to consume it once obtained.  By committing to the possibility of no longer having it or being able to acquire more of it, you place the highest value on the item and not the possession of the item.  You are stating that your life is better for having received from the item the fullest embodiment of the pleasure for which it was created to provide.  Your life is enhanced by allowing it to fulfill the purpose for which is was created to begin with.  The ultimate fulfillment of this purpose is to enjoy the consumption with those you love and care for.  In such an occasion, both your enjoyment and the item’s purpose is multiplied.  To me, of the two – the wealthy person who has been able to acquire rare bottles of scotch every month to the point he possesses a library of unopened, pristine collection that he shows off to impressed but impersonal acquaintances on random meetings or the person who has saved all his life for a single bottle of good scotch that he then shares and consumes with family and friends on a special occasion – it is the one whom consumes with friends and love ones that which he values that has led the more wealthy life.



Emotions from Romantic Notions Scotch - Warming the Heart and Liberating the Soul

Scotch Kiss…….Liquid Passion

Scotch – you flow past my lips like a triumphant army returning home

You are powerful, full of life, seasoned from the experiences you have had

You are vibrant with spices, released uninhibited upon the World

You are the dawn and the dusk and the happy moments made in between

You are depth of meaning, secretive thoughts, unbridled joy

You are the long hug goodbye and the warm embrace hello

You are the earthy essence that makes the soul soar

You are the stars of the Gods and the most passionate aspirations of every man’s dreams

An ocean of you could be consumed and still leave the spirit wanting more

And yet……

In a particular moment, a mere drop is enough

A drop so intense, it shames that same ocean away into a distant horizon

A moment when the universe lays itself bare before me

That moment when I lift the faintest taste of you from the lips of a lovely lass

With my own……..


Stray Threads

Consciousness……Knowing the Difference Between Power and Authority

A common theme in my life – lessons are all around us. This simple tree in my front yard has become a vehicle for one of these lessons.  Person after person on multiple occasions has offered their unsolicited opinion that I should cut down and remove this “dead” tree.  That a tree, this tree, should illicit so many “calls to action” on my part from others is quite interesting and curious in and of itself. How many other trees are “existing” within a hundred yards of this one that go unnoticed and uncommented on.  These same people take no role or expend no energy on the presence and existence of these other trees.  It would appear that this tree becomes a subject of their mental energy only because they feel I have some control over this tree, and therefore, their opinion about it should matter to me.  That these same individuals have assumed the mantle of judge and jury in the determination of the status of this tree is far more surprising and insightful.  Where they see a dead tree, I see life – new growth even if minimal, perseverance, determination and energy.  Who am I to decide that that growth and determination is not sufficient to be allowed to continue.  Just because I have the power to cut the tree down does not mean I have the authority to do so.  Too much of today’s society is based on taking action or subjugating people, ideas and actions because one group has power.  We tend these days to wield this power without the consciousness of where our authority boundaries are.  Of all the rights and gifts that nature, God and fate has bestowed upon us – this use of power was never one of them.